• ul. Strzegomska 3B/3C/3U
  • 53-611 Wrocław

Nasze usługi

Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery at STARSDENT

Dental surgery includes various procedures in and around the oral cavity, not only tooth extraction (removal), but also supports other fields of dentistry such as endodontics, prosthetics, periodontology and implantology.

Our specialists in dental surgery provide advanced surgical treatment within the oral cavity, which is often one of the stages of complex implant, prosthetic or orthodontic treatment.

We offer you a full range of dental surgery procedures, which the dental surgeon performs using safe and effective local anaesthetics.

Procedures carried out within the framework of dental surgery

Extraction of permanent and deciduous teeth

Surgical removal of impacted teeth, wisdom teeth

Lifting of the maxillary sinus floor (sims lift)

Closing of oro-auricular junctions (joint plastics)

Bio oss guided bone regeneration, bone augmentation

Tooth hemisection

Tooth rhadectomy – This involves cutting off and removing one of the roots of a multi-rooted tooth affected by the inflammatory process. The remaining, healthy roots are retained. After the root planing procedure, depending on the condition of the tooth, it may be necessary to rebuild the tooth with a root-canal post and a prosthetic crown. Adequately performed radectomy makes it possible to keep a tooth if only one of its roots is destroyed by disease.

Resection of the apex of the tooth root – This procedure consists of cutting off the apex of the tooth root with simultaneous removal of the inflammatory changes occurring at it. Indications for performing the resection procedure are also: – pushing the material filling the root canal beyond the apex of the root – tool breakage in the root canal not qualifying for extraction during endodontic treatment under the microscope – inability to properly fill the root canal due to complex anatomy of the root. Root tip resection is performed under local anaesthesia. The resection procedure is in most cases complemented by the application of special bone substitute material. Saving the tooth before extraction, usually in the case when the previously performed endodontic treatment did not lead to the healing of periapical lesions.

Excision of the cyst – the excision of the cyst is usually combined with the resection of the root apex of the tooth from which the infection started, or with the removal of the tooth that is source of infection. The cyst excision procedure at Starsdent is performed under local anaesthesia by a specialist dental surgeon. If the cyst is of considerable size (more than 8 mm), excision is performed on an outpatient basis.

Treatment of abscesses – A dental abscess is an acute purulent inflammation of the tissues around the apex of a tooth root. The most common cause of abscesses is inflammation occurring in or around the tooth. Bacteria causing pulpitis get from the root canal through the apical opening to the tissues surrounding the tooth and then infect them. As a result, an abscess is formed – a pathological cavity surrounded by tissues and filled with pus. Depending on the location and severity of the symptoms, we distinguish 3 types of abscesses: periapical abscess, subperiosteal abscess and submucosal abscess. The treatment is independent of the type of abscess and consists of draining the pus and ensuring its free drainage. If the condition of the tooth allows it, the dental surgeon recommends endodontic treatment, and if the infection is significant, extraction of the tooth. If there are general symptoms and fever, the dentist may also prescribe an antibiotic.

Frenectomy of the lip and tongue: The frenulum is a band of connective tissue between the lip and the gum (the upper lip frenulum) and, in the case of the tongue frenulum, is located under the tongue. When the frenulum is short and not properly attached it can cause exposure of the tooth necks, the so-called diastema – a gap between the front teeth, and in the case of a too short sublingual frenulum, difficulties in pronouncing the sounds sh, ż, cz, j, r may occur.

The treatment of frenulum malformations is mainly based on surgical procedures. Nowadays two types of surgery are performed: frenulectomy (frenulum undercutting) and frenuloplasty (frenulum shaping). They are usually carried out under local anaesthesia, using a scalpel, scissors or laser. Uncovering a retained tooth with the application of an orthodontic appliance: Retained teeth are those whose growth has been stopped/stunted in the bone tissue. This applies to teeth of both the maxilla and the mandible. These are not damaged teeth but fully formed teeth. The most frequently retained teeth are canines and wisdom teeth, but there are also retained premolars and incisors. Retained teeth can cause a number of complications in the form of malocclusion, problems with food intake and chewing, and they contribute to the distortion of other, properly growing teeth in the oral cavity. The choice of the treatment of impacted teeth should primarily depend on the complexity of the case. It is possible to expose the stopped tooth surgically with simultaneous bonding of an orthodontic bracket – this is a treatment aimed at introducing the stopped tooth into the arch with the use of an orthodontic appliance. The procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. Thanks to orthodontic forces, such a tooth has a chance to find its proper position in the dental arch after about 15-24 months.

Treatment of intraoral and extraoral fistulas – Dental fistula is a colloquial term for a fistula that forms in the oral cavity. By definition, a fistula is the union of two or more organs arising as a result of pathological processes, iatrogenic complications or deliberately performed surgical techniques. The main cause of abscesses and fistulas is dental caries. When it is deep and reaches the pulp, bacteria can infect it. The infection can then spread from the root to the tissues around the tooth, leading to inflammation and accumulation of pus, thus forming an abscess. Other causes of fistulas are gum disease or tooth fractures. If you have an intraoral or extraoral fistula, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. During your visit, your dentist will identify the source of the infection. If the infection is inside the tooth, the dentist may open it, allowing the pus to flow out. Root canal treatment is then necessary. If the abscess is very large or the tooth is badly damaged, extraction may be necessary. In addition, the dentist may prescribe antibiotics and painkillers. These medications help to fight the infection and prevent it from spreading.

Dry socket treatment – A dry socket is a complication after a tooth extraction. It occurs when the blood clot, the natural dressing that forms in the wound after a tooth extraction, breaks down or dislocates. The bone and nerves are then deprived of protection. Dry socket is one of the most painful complications following tooth extraction and occurs in 1-5% of patients. The greatest risk of this complication occurs 2-3 days after the procedure. Other causes of dry socket include: * coagulation problems, * trauma to the alveolar bone wall, * tissue ischemia, * infections, * hypertension, * diabetes, * avitaminosis, * smoking, * excessive alveolar spooning. * The symptoms of a dry socket are radiating, increasing pain, taste disturbance, grey plaque on the alveolar walls, problems with food intake, bad breath. Bone is often visible in the alveolus, which can also cause pain at the slightest touch. If you experience symptoms of dry socket, you should visit your dentist. The dental surgeon will clean the wound that was created by removing the tooth. The alveolus is then flushed with sodium bicarbonate or saline solution. A special dressing containing anti-inflammatory agents and painkillers is applied to the alveolus. The treatment may take from 7 to 10 days.

Surgical removal of root remnants – It is a surgical procedure performed under local anaesthesia to remove root parts of the tooth broken during the extraction of the original tooth. Most often, these are the apexes of the roots, which due to the complicated anatomy were broken during the extraction.

Alveoplasty in the scope of prosthetic treatment – Alveolar process plasty is a surgical procedure consisting in reconstruction of the alveolar process bone after tooth extraction with the use of a special bone-forming preparation. It is aimed at recreating the original shape of the bone for further treatment, including prosthetics.

Enlargement of the associated gingival zone – graft from the palate

Surgical lengthening of a clinical tooth crown

Covering a recession with a soft tissue graft

Plasticity – deepening of the vestibular floor

Gingectomy (excision of excess gingiva)

Closed curettage, open curettage

Connective tissue graft

Specimen collection for examination

Cennik usług chirurgicznych

  • Ekstrakcja zęba mądrości 600 - 1000 zł
  • Ekstrakcja zęba jednokorzeniowego 450 zł
  • Ekstrakcja zęba wielokorzeniowego 600 zł
  • Ekstrakcja zęba mlecznego 250 - 300 zł
  • Nacięcie ropnia 300 zł
  • Hemisekcja 800 zł
  • Podcięcie wędzidełka 300 zł
  • Resekcja wierzchołka korzenia 700 - 1 000 zł
  • Usunięcie torbieli 1 300 zł
  • Usunięcie pozostałości zęba 250 - 300 zł
  • Wycięcie brodawki dziąsłowej/kaptura dziąsłowego 300 zł
  • Zamknięcie połączenia ustno-zatokowego natychmiastowe 400 zł
  • Chirurgiczne wydłużenie korony zęba 500 zł
  • Wycięcie zmiany oraz badanie histopatologiczne 400 - 800 zł

Nasi specjaliści