• ul. Strzegomska 3B/3C/3U
  • 53-611 Wrocław

Nasze usługi


Periodontology is a branch of dentistry dealing with the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases and oral mucosa.

Periodontal diseases result in loosening and loss of teeth (parodontosis).

Periodontology – treatments

In Klinika Starsdent, we offer you the following treatments using specialist periodontal treatment:

  • supragingival scaling (removal of tartar accumulated on the surface of tooth crowns)
  • subgingival scaling (removal of tartar deposited under the gum surface)
  • closed curettage (surgical procedure involving the removal of tartar and dead tissue from the periodontal pocket)
  • open curettage (more invasive curettage procedure, which involves cutting and pulling back the gums)
  • alveolar bone regeneration (procedure that allows to increase the thickness and height of the alveolar process)
  • splinting of loose teeth (immobilisation of loose teeth with the use of special materials due to periodontal diseases or mechanical injuries)
  • Gum grafts (e.g. covering gum recessions)

Don't lose your teeth - fight periodontosis!

Paradontosis affects nearly 70% of Poles. Almost 90% of people over 45 years old suffer from the disease. Advanced form of the disease, which requires specialist treatment (including reconstruction of cavities in bones) has every tenth Pole. In comparison, we suffer from diabetes twice less often…


Cennik usług periodontologicznych

  • Gingiwoplastyka (jedna przestrzeń) 350 zł
  • Kiretaż otwarty (1 łuk) 1 000 zł
  • Kiretaż zamknięty (1 łuk) 750 zł
  • Plastyka tkanek miękkich 350 zł
  • Pokrycie recesji 600 zł
  • Scaling poddziąsłowy głęboki 250 zł
  • Szynowanie zębów (jedna przestrzeń) 200 zł

Nasi specjaliści