Prosthetics in STARS*dent
Dental prosthetics is a branch of dentistry which deals with the reconstruction of lost tooth tissues with the use of constructions such as onlays, inlays, veneers, crowns and bridges, removable partial and complete restorations, and implants.
We place high functional and aesthetic demands on our prosthetic work, and the satisfaction of our patients inspires us to improve our methods of work. Understanding and taking into account personal aesthetic and functional expectations is our motto. This is why we attach great importance to the diagnostic phase. It is the most creative and interactive part of the whole treatment. The dentist takes photographs and determines the aesthetic image of the patient, while diagnostic temporary restorations allow visualisation of the future treatment effect.
Thanks to experienced specialists, we are able to restore proper chewing function and a beautiful and full smile.
Dear Senior! Do you have the last few teeth in your maxilla or mandible? You cannot chew well and the removable partial dentures that the national fund offers you are becoming your bane? Remember that you can get a covering denture that will save your last teeth and, what’s more, make them full retentive elements. You won’t be worried that while eating, laughing or sneezing you will have to hold them with muscle power and risk great discomfort especially in company.
We offer a wide range of partial or complete dentures covering on different types of retaining elements: intra- and extra-root clasps, bolts, magnets and telescopic crowns.
Properly designed dentures on clasps will allow you to achieve chewing comfort, have a positive effect on the aesthetics of your appearance and improve the quality of your life.
A crown is a permanent prosthetic restoration which covers a patient’s own tooth damaged in various ways (broken, shapeless, discoloured). Properly made and integrated into the dental arch, the crown does not differ from the patient’s own tooth and faithfully reproduces its function in the bite.
Depending on the material used for its fabrication we distinguish between:
- acrylic crowns (usually temporary),
- composite, crowns on steel faced with porcelain,
- zirconium crowns faced with porcelain
- crowns entirely made of porcelain.

A bridge is a prosthetic construction permanently fixed in the oral cavity. It is made when we want to replace one or several missing teeth. The pillars for the bridge are the natural teeth adjacent to the gap. The pillars must be functionally efficient in order to support the inserted missing tooth, i.e. the bridge span.
Depending on the type of material used to make a bridge, they can be divided into acrylic bridges (usually temporary), steel bridges faced with porcelain, zirconium bridges faced with porcelain, all-porcelain bridges, or bridges made of composite materials usually reinforced with glass fibres.
If there are any medical contraindications or financial obstacles to implant crowns, a traditional bridge is the most comfortable prosthetic restoration. It takes up no more space than your own teeth did before. Getting used to it is quick and easy. The riveting of the teeth has a beneficial effect on their stabilisation.
However, in contrast to implant-supported restorations, bridges often require the grinding of healthy primary teeth. In addition, the bridge span suspended on the pillars is in contact with the mucous membrane of the edentulous process and requires special care. If another tooth is lost, this restoration cannot be extended.
Implantoprosthetics is that part of implant treatment which brings a smile to the patient’s lips in both literal and figurative sense. After several months of treatment the prosthetics specialist finally places crowns, bridges or removable dentures on the surgical implants implanted in the bone. In the place left by missing teeth, new teeth grow like mushrooms after rain. The effect is spectacular, although the road is long and not without obstacles.
Dear Senior! Do you have the last few teeth in your jaw or mandible? You cannot chew properly and removable partial dentures, which the national fund proposes to make, become your bane? Remember that you can get a covering denture that will save your last teeth and, what’s more, make them full retentive elements. You won’t be worried that while eating, laughing or sneezing you will have to hold them with muscle power and risk great discomfort especially in company. We offer a wide range of partial or complete dentures covering on different types of retaining elements: intra- and extra-root clasps, bolts, magnets and telescopic crowns. Properly designed dentures on clasps will allow you to achieve chewing comfort, have a positive effect on the aesthetics of your appearance and improve the quality of your life.
Crown-root inlay
It is a prosthetic restoration used in the case of partial or complete damage to the crown part of a tooth treated with a root canal. It allows the broken tooth to be strengthened and reconstructed with a filling, prosthetic crown or bridge.
We distinguish between standard and individual crown-root inlays.
Standard crown-root inlays – prefabricated inlays made of steel, titanium or fibreglass. These inlays are cemented in the root space prepared with specially calibrated drills.
Individual root-crown inlays – require taking an impression of the space for the inlay prepared in the root of a broken tooth. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain any shape of the inlay, specified by the dentist. Individual inlays give the possibility to rebuild a tooth in exceptionally difficult situations, e.g. when the fracture line of a root runs below the gum level.
Cennik usług protetycznych
- Proteza całkowita - górna lub dolna 3 300 zł
- Proteza szkieletowa - górna lub dolna 3 500 zł
- Proteza częściowa - górna lub dolna 2 500 zł
- Proteza natychmiastowa 2 000 zł
- Proteza tymczasowa 1 500 - 2 000 zł
- Szynoproteza 3 500 zł
- Proteza na zaczepach precyzyjnych 6 000 - 8 000 zł
- Proteza osiadająca (elastyczna) 3 300 zł
- Mikroproteza (1-2 braki zębowe) 800 zł
- Szyna z uzupełnieniem brakujących zębów 800 zł
- Zaczepy protetyczne 1 000 - 1 500 zł
- Korekta protezy/nakładki 150 zł
- Nakładka repozycyjna 1 400 zł
- Szyna zgryzowa (bruksizm) 650 zł
- Szyna Michigan 1 200 zł
- Dostosowanie szyny zgryzowej 150 zł
- Wizyta kontrolna z protezą/nakładką 150 zł
- Wkład koronowo-korzeniowy 550 - 1000 zł
- Korona pełnoceramiczna cementowana na filarze zęba 2 000 zł
- Korona ceramiczna na podbudowie ze stali cementowana na filarze zęba 1 800 zł
- Korona akrylowa tymczasowa wykonana w laboratorium 650 zł
- Korona tymczasowa wykonana w laboratorium 550 - 750 zł
- Korona tymczasowa bezpośrednia (wykonana w gabinecie) 200 zł
- Cementowanie korony wykonanej w innym gabinecie 200 zł
- Zdjęcie korony/punktu mostu 200 zł